However, because this method relies on the existence of an action, to be discretized, it only works for conservative systems. In order to be able to apply this numerical method to systems where there is dissipation, drag or some other nonconservative (polygenic, path-dependent, or irreversible) forces we will need an equivalent of the action for such systems. Additionally, in order to guarantee good long-term behavior, we will also need a version of Noether's theorem that applies to such an action.
The Nonconservative Action Principle
In Galley (2013) and Galley, Tsang & Stein (2014), we recently developed such a Nonconservative Action Principle, adapting Hamilton's principle to apply to nonconservative physics.
Nonconservative forces can arise when a subset of the true physical degrees of freedom of a system are ignored, often through a natural separation of scales, or by experimental design.
The reasons for this are technical (and may be worth another post), but are related to how Hamilton's principle is traditionally constructed as boundary value problem in time, rather than an initial value problem.
Instead Chad constructed the nonconservative action principle to be consistent with an initial value problem. This involves doubling the degrees of freedom and varying each separately subject to a final time equality condition that closes the loop (see figure above), allowing the final time values of the system to vary freely. This is related to the closed-time-path Schwinger-Keldish formalism in non-equilibrium quantum mechanics (in fact in an appendix here we showed how this formalism is the formal classical limit of such a quantum theory).
By moving to this extended, doubled phase-space, extremizing the action over each path, and then equating the doubled variables together (we call this taking the Physical Limit), we gain the freedom to allow nonconservative effects to be included. These nonconservative effects show up in the nonconservative potential $K(q_1, q_2, \dot{q}_1, \dot{q}_2, t)$, which couples the two paths together, and can appear in the nonconservative action. By construction, inaccessible degrees of freedom can also be integrated-out in a self-consistent way, at the level of the action, with no acausal effects.
To construct the nonconservative potential, $K$, which captures the non-hamiltonian physics, one can either build it from known dissipative equations of motion through an adjoint procedure, often equivalent to the Lagrange-d'Alembert approach, or one can build it from known microphysical actions by integrating out inaccessible degrees of freedom.
The Nonconservative Noether's Thoerem
We needed two parts to make a variational integrator work, an action principle, whose action integral can be discretized, and Noether's theorem, to exploit the symmetries of the action to correctly evolve (or preserve) the Noether currents. It turns out that we can prove a generalized Noether's theorem for the nonconservative action principle. The Noether currents are still defined by the symmetries of the conservative parts of the action, but their evolution is described by derivatives of the non-conservative potential $K$.![]() |
The nonconservative version of Noether's theorem. |
The Slimplectic Integrator
By applying the variational integrator procedure (discussed in part I) to this new action principle we are able to construct general nonconservative variational integrators that are no longer limited to conservative systems (see figure below). We call these “slimplectic” integrators as the phase space volume tends to slim-down for dissipative systems). Slimplectic integrators have all the long-term stability properties of symplectic integrators but can be applied to general nonconservative systems.
This allows long-term numerical evolution of orbital dynamics problems where dissipative or velocity dependent effects, such as tides, drag, or magnetic interactions, can become dynamically important.
on github that can be used to numerically integrate any system by specifying the (nonconservative) action. Included below are links to several example of a nonconservative system evolved using the slimplectic and traditional (Runge-Kutta) numerical schemes. The slimplectic integrators have fractional energy error that remains bounded, even as the system’s energy evolves, while the traditional methods have fractional energy errors that grow linearly with time.
The slimplectic iPython notebook samples are:
A damped simple oscillator
Poynting-Robertson drag (see figures below)
Post-Newtonian gravitational-wave inspiral of neutron star binaries
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